Tag Archives: The Bachelorette 2016 s2 ep2 recap

The Bachelorette Season 2: Mills and Dudes

23 Sep

It’s kind of hard for me to start this recap because apparently Georgia Love doesn’t do any poignant water thinking or exercise thinking. I guess she just spends her time dating dudes and taking names. Ain’t no one got time for that water crap, amiright?




Moving on. It’s the first morning in the Mansion that Spotlight Built and is it just me or has the Tuscan Kitchen been given a quick little bro makeover? All the said bros are chillin in their casual denim and flannies chatting about their night at the cocktail partay, that is, until Osher shows up and puts all their denim dreams to shame. Funnily enough he’s got a date card and no time to stick around.

Instead, Resident Narrator Aaron does the reading-of-date-card honors and gives the single date to Jake. Remember guys, Jake gave up his seat for Lee so he is, like, some kind of Ghandi incarnate and Lady Bach’s lady parts felt tingly things when she met him.



Totally would. 


For their date, they go to the Three Sisters/Blue Mountains or something. In other words, NATURE.  But obviously this date is going to involve doing things high up and probably dangling from these high up things. In this case, dangling from the scenic railway. Poor Jake is shitting bricks but takes it on the chin. Or the helmet. Whichever.

Unfortunately nothing dangerous really happens and they abseil safely to the ground. Then they go to some fancy place called The Carrington. You know shit is fancy when the buildings have names, yo.

Before we know it, shit is getting hella serious when they start talking about their mums having cancer. The C word is never really funny so I’mma leave that one.

More talking and staring at each other and it looks like they’ll probably pash…




No sign of pinky ring from this angle…


Yep. Final Three for Jake. Calling it now. You can quote me if you like.

Meanwhile the other lads are all back at the Manch planning Jake’s possible death.



The inaugural early-in-the-season-photoshoot has arrived, surprise surprise, early in the season.

Quote of the night goes to lovable nervous pooer Ben when he finds out he’s on the group date – “Do we have to RSVP for this?” The more he talks, the more I like him.

For their super fancy photoshoot it’s all about the country. Country. Horses. Nature. Puffer vests. Much nature.

In fact, it is a legit shoot for Mills & Boon’s new book series set in the Aussie Outback and the dudes will be split into small groups to have cover shots taken with Lady Bach. Except Cameron. He gets his own. Because he’s adorable. The rest of the dudes look super psyched about it. Except Cameron.

Umm, side note…am I the only one who’s super keen to read this shit? Gawd I hope there’s a character called Barry. Or Steve. Or Banjo. That would be crackers. (Is that an Aussie thing? I don’t really know…) Regardless, the optimism is practically palpable when the lads realise that maybe this means they’ll make some serious dolla bills off the royalties.



I hope they re-use this title in the new series!


But there’s really no time for this kind of positivity because what has now started is the BATTLE OF THE MAN SORT OF MODELS! It is Sam vs. Rhys in an epic contest of white guy rigs and hair flipping. Obviously the der-rama for this episode and possibly erry episode for the rest of this season will be centered around Sam hating Rhys for being a model. Or something.

Shoot 1 – Lady Bach is put in Courtney’s arms while the other plebs carry logs and stuff. What a stitch up. Meanwhile, I actually hate being carried like that. Not that that many men offer to carry me in a fireman lift these days, but whatevs… I feel like a complete gumby.

Shoot 2 – Lady Bach is up on a white horse with Lee. Matt gets stuck on the ground making friends with the horse’s face. They’re not even trying to make it hard for us to guess who she likes best. Poor Matt.

Shoot 3 – The Two Epic Models. And Clancy. Rhys gets his rig out and Sam is not okay with it. Just quietly, does anyone else love Sam now? Like, I know he has terrible attitudes towards women and is probably the worst kind of guy to date and we’re supposed to hate him, but these claws of his are super sassy and hilarious.

Shoot 4 – Just Cam. Because he’s a babe. This sucks for me though, because all the local fireman around my area are 50-plus and balding. They kind of nearly kiss. No one is sure.



Nothing says romance quite like an akubra. 



Rhys has a poem. Because of COURSE he does. Just when we thought we got through the meet-and-greets without any awkward poetry…nekk minit…Rhys. Unfortunately it’s not that good. It doesn’t really rhyme properly. Or did I miss the memo about new-age hipster poetry intentionally being a bit crap?

According to one of the dudes whose name I have yet to care about, the “masculine energy” in the house has risen. Or does he just mean Sam’s hatred Rhys. This is getting serious. Will there be a table flip tonight? Even if there isn’t, I am enjoying Sam’s impressions of his nemesis and general bitchiness.




Sam tries to convince Lady Bach that Rhys is just an awful, scarf-wearing model/devil but gets interrupted by none other than Rhys before he can tell her to boot him off.

Not that it really matters anyway. She keeps them both so that Australia’s viewing audience can enjoy at least another week of this strange, yet oddly fulfilling feud. Instead, it’s Ben who’s sent packing. But surely they cannot send the nervous pooer home this early in the game? It’s just so cruel! I actually feel awful. For realz. I have real feelings about this, Lady Bach.


Watch yoself.



Also this.