Tag Archives: the bachelor australia season 3

The Bachelor Season 3: The Colour Bored

4 Sep


I never thought I would say this, but I am legitimately running out of bitchy, sarcastic things to say.

But it is definitely not my fault.


A part of me didn’t even want to write this post in protest for the complete lack of drama and effort on everybody’s behalf.

I thought we were off to a good start with Woody in his Rebel Sport getup, taking a leisurely early morning kayak to think about roses and feelings. Usually this means serious der-rama is going to go down.


sam kayak

I really hope something interesting happens today.


Meanwhile at the House that Spotlight Built: Something something Sam, something something, connections, something something GROUP DATE!

But first, let us get into our Nissans and show you all the amazing features it has for a Nissan while we drive to our date in a Nissan for five minutes.


They are legit filling time by showing bitches in Nissans.


grumpy cat



Rachel says that “competing against other women for a man goes against every bone in my body.” At least it’s good to know she went to the same School of Logic as the rest of the bitches.

They’re at a warehouse. They talk about culture. Oh, sorry, I mean “kulcha”. Woody loves him some kulcha.

This week the bitches have to prove they are wife material by channeling their desire to bone Sam into art work. Sam pretends to be surprised that he has to topless model for them.

Off comes the kit and the bitches cannot even stem their flows.


mr bean



Blah blah blah muscles, blah blah abs.

All of them are pretty shit at art and kulcha, except Parmigiana who once drew an Aphrodite mural on her bedroom wall as a teenager. Because Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love. This show is about love. Woody is looking for love. Are you picking up on this this deep yet subtle connection?


clay sculpture

More kulcha.


Post-artwork drinks turn into an everyday booze fest and Rachel says Sam needs to “sell himself” to her because this is her life as well as his.

Somebody GOTTA tell her that Tinder exists.

As if he has magically read her mind and wasn’t placed there by the assistant producer, Woody appears and they have one of the most terrible conversations I have ever witnessed. Rachel has the people skills of a hard-boiled egg and Woody just does his best to stop his man parts shrivelling up into his body.

As a prize for her amazing kulcha skills, Parmigiana and Woody go upstairs to Randomly Placed Ikea Living Room Display. Talk talk talk about Melbourne and Perth. Sam asks if she’d be willing to move cos, you know, there aren’t any children in WA for his business to thrive on so obviously it’ll be Parmigiana and Kiev makin all the effort.

Parma doesn’t even give two f*$%s about Perth and has already bought a plane ticket. Problem solved.


Still banging on those battle drums, Nina will not.let.it.go when it comes to the intruders. This original vs. intruder thing is so fecking boring I want to cut my ears off and mail them to her.

Whatever trevor, bloody Busy Businesswoman Sarah is down for Date #3. She is seriously date-lapping evrryone now.

Woody has only just picked her up at the front door and I’m already bored out of my brain. They are both vanilla.

In the limo, Sarah is gifted with her own pair of “diamond” earrings and I’m all of a sudden really confused as to how a bitch was just handed some Zamel’s jewellery without having to dig for it?!

“Omigod, I’ve never been given diamond earrings before!” Honey, you still haven’t. #budgetcuts.

SURPRISE! Now they’re at a fancy room/restaurant overlooking Sydney Harbour. What a refreshing CHANGE!

I literally do not know where the next ten minutes of my life went.

Nowhere interesting. Oh yeah, Sarah got a rose. Yawn.


nicki bored



Ummm….. I’m sure something interesting happened here? Maybe something to do with Nina and Rachel hating each other now because… because….um…. OH YEAH! Because Rachel is v v skinny and Nina is a fat slob because she doesn’t eat paleo and is obviously not worthy of Woody love.

Yep. Normally I would shamelessly cheer on any glimmer of drunken, illogical bitchiness, but when it comes to body-shaming for no good reason, you’ve lost me.

Rachel tries again to charm Sam with her skinny good looks and warm wit but fails miserably. All of the Real Housewives combined are better at this than her.

All of this extra screen time for Rachel can only mean one thing: Girlfriend is going home. Which is probably for the best considering how nasty she is, but at the same time, a damn shame due to her being the only one with fragments of a personality.

All Original bitches get roses. Nina is extremely happy about this. It’s down to Rachel and Lana and OBVIOUSLY Lana ain’t goin anywhere because she is sah travel and we all saw Woody lose his knickers over her last episode.

And yep…. she’s gone. No one cares. Including me.

Guys, I really don’t know what’s going on. People keep telling me that it’s mainly to do with the fact that Sam is legit there looking for real love and doesn’t want to lead anybody on.

WELL. If that’s the case, someone at Channel 10 ain’t doing their job properly.


Can someone please go and grow a personality? Kthnxbyyyyye.


britney bored




The Bachelor Season 3: The One I Couldn’t See

28 Aug

So here’s the thing.


I couldn’t watch last night’s episode, which has actually turned out quite well for me since, due to the alleged dating-in-the-dark theme I’ve been informed about, I can now proudly use the above lame title pun because that’s exactly who I am as a person.


So instead of trying to watch the episode on the internets and use up all my data, I had my clever ghost writer compile some notes which I am now going to transpose into this post. They are bloody hilarious and I am legit interested to see if I can make sense of notes from a show I did not see at all. Considering it’s Bachie we’re talking about, and not ‘Inception’, I reckon I might be ok.


Here we go…


The producers want to remind us how dramatic and scary last episode was when Bitch Face decided to walk out of the rose ceremony on her own free will. Free will is scary.

The original bitches are doing their bloody best to find out erry little detail about intruder bitches and why they could POSSIBLY be here. Ebru is particularly upset and confused as to why the new bitches are even interested in Woody; she thinks they are a new type of bitch who have wandered onto the wrong show because they couldn’t possibly be here to bone Woody…. babe. Think about it, please.

(P.s Ebru is clearly going home tonight given that she has had more air time in the first ten minutes of this ep than the entire series thus far. And she is wearing a hideous velour headband.)

Some choice panning shots of The Mansion that Spotlight Built and, lemme just say, the grounds keeper must be using flipping elf blood to maintain those wisteria, because they are on fleek. The bitches gather around the Mess Hall and talk about how ‘different’ it is waking up in the mansion now that there are so many new bitches trying to get their mitts on communal boyfriend, Sam.

Because the producers clearly want to make Ebru the mean villain tonight, they show her saying how much she hates the intruders. Again. #subtle.

Nina tells us there will be drama tonight, because there are new bitches and if an old bitch gets ditched for a new bitch then bad feelings will happen.

Original bitches continue to question intruder bitches and New bitch – Blonde Tall Bitch #4 (Rachel?) is all, “back off, stahp asking me shit, I don’t even know you and do not want to be your friend. KK thnxbye.”

Osher appears from the door way and what… no tailoring at all, just a shirt from Cotton On. This show’s budget concerns are deeper than we think, guys. To try and distract everyone from this, he pulls out some GOLDEN LOPES! Cool But Not So Girl Heather keeps saying she wants ‘Ebs’ to have the date this week. Not sure why considering she is boring as feck and is clearly the new mean villain that everyone should hate now.

Don matta, cause Heather gets a second date anyways. Lol!

Sweet Valley High, the second envelope is… a GROUP DATE! (Thank you for listening to my prayers, Channel 10). The bitches seem excited except for Nina who is angry about something, but I didn’t care enough to write it down.

They all fanny downstairs to find Osher who explains the group date is a date about attraction; it sounds science-y because he uses serious science-y terminology, but it is basically just a boner test in the dark. Science. Allow me to put it in riddle form for you: How much wood would a woody-giving bitch give if a woody bitch and Woody can’t see the wood? The real question.

Because this date is definitely not about the fact that they are running out of money fast, the group date is just a lot of eating in the dark. The bitches and Woody start talking shit in the dark and Parmigiana points out that it’s really dark in the room. They are eating Chinese food and it looks as though they have forgotten that there are no staff here to pour their champers and clean their shit when they are on dates. Someone has to clean all the shit they are dropping on the floor and table. Turns out a lot of them are just Neanderthals with a spray tan.

Now here’s a question: what is the most unsexy thing ever?

Blindly mashing food into your own face? Wrong! It’s blindly mashing food into someone else’s face whilst a national audience watch on.

The new bitches flank Woody at the table and BTB#4 is still v v uptight for someone on a national program in a dark-eating boner competition. On the other hand, Lana has definitely done this before because she is playing Woody like a fiddle.

Because she was able to speak to Woody without being completely snore-worthy or dropping beef and blackbean all over his chinos.


eating in dark

I can really taste our connection.


The original bitches are obvi upset, but still respect Lana for ‘going for it’. Hashtag gogirl!

After the spine-tingling events of the group date, it’s on to Cool But Not So Cool Girl Heather’s second date which is diabetes themed.

He picks her up in an ice cream truck which is weird because it kinda just looks like she is on some rando stretch of highway getting picked up in an icecream truck. I think this is the producers trying to show how “fun” Woody is because he totally chose to drive this embarrassment machine.

They go to some garden and there is a diabetes buffet waiting for them. This look like it’s meant to be a Masterchef promo but it doesn’t fly. Another random chef comes out and announces that he hopes they enjoy getting diabetes. Woody and Heather begin eating the “dessert dirt” but given their bodies we all know neither have touched an artificial sugar since 2001. They both pretend to eat the chocolate. They talk about how chilled they both are and I’m pretty sure she calls him Man and Dude again.


ice cream truck

This is definitely about fun and not about budget cuts..


After their delicious diabetes buffet, they move to a second location to drink away the diabetes. They have boring convo about their “connection” and their “understanding” of each other and continue talking about nothing, until finally they actually get around to stating what their ‘connection’ is. Apparently it has something to do with the fact that Cool But Not So Cool Girl can be her cool self around Woody. Woody seems surprised by this; he is confused as to why she would be anyone else, especially on a TV show where you are yourself pitted against other bitches being themselves.

They kiss. She gets a rose.

Meanwhile, back at the Mansion (now affectionately known as the Elf Garden) the original bitches are outside bitching about the intruder bitches. Funnily enough, the intruder bitches are inside bitching about the original bitches.

They keep saying the same things over and over again and I really want Sandra back so that something interesting can happen.

Cocktail Party!

Heather begins retelling her date to the bitches when Woody casually walks in. I mean, how awkward is it when one of your gfs tells the other gfs the details of your communal boyfriend’s tongue and texture (she didn’t say that but she should have because her explanation of their kiss was BOR-RING).

It’s now all about the intruder bitches vs. original bitches for a Rose Ceremony show down. The producers are clearly setting them up to hate each other and all I can think is how much I want Blonde Tall Bitch #4 to be a biter or a face-slapper since she seems like the bitchiest bitch now that Emily has left. As mentioned earlier, Ebru is OBVI going home because,“if I were to go home before the new girls I would be devastated.”

She definitely has a lot to say before she becomes a loser who needs to leave the temple of feminism.

Osher’s hair and wardrobe is on point again. Someone give it a raise.

Lana gets a rose.

Nina bitches about not getting the first rose.

Nina gets the second rose.

Blonde Tall Bitch #4 says she wants to stay.

Parma gets a rose.

Underscore music reaches fantasy-adventure-crescendo level shit.

Sarah gets a rose.

Cue fast strings and cymbals.

Nina talks about how Blonde Tall Bitch #4 is the worst and will be going home but erryone knows that is not true because Ebru is leaving fo sho.

For no discernible reason Blonde Tall Bitch #4 gets the last rose over Ebru.

Ebru and her velour headband leave in a Nissan.


giphysabrina gif

Intruders be like…


Nina looks shocked because she doesn’t understand anything apart from cars and weddings.


The end.


So how’d we do?

