Tag Archives: Bachie In Paradise

Bachelor In Paradise Ep 10: Bad Things Are Happening & Everyone is Over It (including me)

17 Apr

Sweet Jesus, will we ever get some respite from this punishing 4-nights-a-week schedule? Honestly I think this is a purposeful hate crime on behalf of Channel 10 who have gotten wise on us mean, self-indulgent bloggers and decided to make our lives a living hell.



Does that sound real or am I just being too self-obsessed now?

Once again, I’ll come clean and admit that I am still trying to have a life and rehearse for a show which means I have not watched the entire episode, but I don’t think that’s ever mattered to you guys. Which is exactly why I like you so much. #journalism.

So today I am mad.

Mad at Luke, mad at Eden, mad at Channel 10. Everyone has gone fkd up this week and it’s very upsetting.

First of all, Channel 10, queer baiting us with the promo for potential Megan/Elora hook ups, only to realise the closest they’re going to get to this is sitting on a sun lounge together talking about Apollo is so unfair. Not that I expected you to be at the forefront of celebrating bisexual relationships on television but still. Shame on you.

Second of all, Luke, I just think I expected better. I know Sex Island is pretty much a wannabe Instagram celebrity’s heaven on earth, and I get the decision between true love and free wine is a tough one, but come on mate. Eventually your brain has GOT to take over from your penis or you’ll end up dead from electrocution after trying to stick it in a vacuum cleaner.

And lastly…Eden. Babe. I was your number one fan and cheerleader. Heck, I even contemplated straight up adding you on Facebook like one of those strange, overly familiar fan girls (I didn’t in the end in case you were wondering). But you let me down, bro.


Tensions are pretty damn high on Sex Island considering everyone is just on a glorified Contiki tour. Michael’s balls are bluer than the Fijian ocean, Elora and Simone are still making pissy faces at each other and everyone else is just emotionally (and literally) drunk. Megan and Jake are discussing how rock solid they are and that it would really take someone super special to come between them…


Thomas, looking every inch the internationally acclaimed model no one knows, strolls into Sex Island with the confidence of Warwick Capper walking down Cavill Ave. He manages to catch Megan’s eye and for a minute everyone’s thinking he might just have the man bun power to pull her away from Jake. Tbh, I don’t think she’s actually going to leave Jake but it was worth it just to see Jake’s arse cheeks sweat a little. (I mean, you don’t actually SEE the cheeks, but you know it’s happening).


At least I don’t talk through a straw.


Thomas asks everyone out on a date but literally no one wants to go with him. Like at all. This is worse than that time Megan went on a pity date with American Jared and now Thomas is crying and I don’t know what to do.

Michael is also very upset because he is getting no joy in to the sexy department and still feels super bad for giving Lisa his rose but also hopes that maybe Lisa secretly likes him back which is unlikely considering Lisa JUST told Luke that nothing can come between their love. Not even a pretend Socceroo. You also know she’s not interested in Michael because when he finds her to chat about his feelings, she sits the furtherest away from someone you physically can whilst still being able to hear them. But don’t worry guys, this is Logical Lisa. She lets him down gently and logically but it’s not enough for Michael who has decided to throw in the towel.

Yep, Michael has run out of ripped singlets and women and wants to go home. And then…he’s gone. No fanfare, no teary goodbyes, just…nothing. Look, I may not have flown the Michael flag or anything but even I think he deserved better.

BUT WAIT! Now Lisa wants to go and I can’t be sure whether she truly just wants to GTFO or whether the producers no longer see any worth in her and Luke now that the Michael-Lisa-Luke triangle is kaput. She casually asks Luke if he’s ready to leave and I’m not sure if she means the show or the padded beach bed they’re lying on, she’s so casual. But all of a sudden Luke is unsure of how much he’s willing to say goodbye to bottomless mimosas and just loses his shit really.


How will I live without my 10am daiquiri?!


He’s unsure if he can commit to this woman he’s spent the last three weeks falling in love with because what if he leaves paradise and some Amazonian goddess comes in and he misses his chance?! Luke isn’t stupid enough to say that out loud, but he does try to explain that he is more of a “slow burner” and things are moving so fast on this dating show he came into to find love and my eyes rolled so far back into my head I practically swallowed them. This is why over half the population is single and barren.

Lisa is all, “You don’t have to, no pressure,” but even I know this is exactly the opposite of what she means and he’d better bloody go with her.


Above: Lisa.


Okay they’re gone too now and no one really seems that upset or surprised. Fare thee well Lisa; you were too normal for this world.

(*UPDATE: Obviously, y’all know that there are now cheating rumours surrounding Luke on the outside and is anyone surprised, really?)

No time to waste because OBVIOUSLY Elora gets the next date card because we’re all here to just f*** shit up. OBVIOUSLY she takes Apollo because she has meditated and twirled her fire on it and the fire told her that she and Apollo were soul mates. Apollo doesn’t seem too convinced but that’s really none of his business if you ask Elora.

Monsoon season in Fiji is really becoming a problem because they are basically just sent to an undercover BBQ area at the back of the resort while it pisses down rain around them.

Elora presents her Apollo 4 Elora 4Eva slideshow and poor Apollo says he just wants to find someone to travel with which is literally every damn man on Tinder’s bio (srzly, if you have this on your profile delete it immediately because every funking person in Australia wants to travel and it does not make you interesting.) But I’ll forgive it of Apollo because abs. And magic tricks.

Nothing else really happens on their date apart from when they come back and everyone greets them like they’ve just returned from an epic journey around the world in a tiny sailboat.

Apollo goes straight to Simone who is at the bar like a regular person, talking about her many feelings to anyone who’ll listen. He actually tells her he missed her and f*** me how does she not just fall off her stool naked at that? Elora is verrrrrryyyy unhappy about this and goes to talk to some fire sticks about it.

It seems the Elora-Apollo romance is dead quicker than you can say, “you banged him on my couch!”

Meanwhile, Thomas is still the Ralph Wiggum of the island feeling super rejected and unsure of what he’s even doing here. As are we Thomas, as are we.

Jarrod, now a shade of red the colour spectrum has yet to incorporate, feels for the poor Canadian and organises a man date. Jarrod, Thomas, Sam and Apollo stroll along the beach by twilight, end up in a cramped milk bath in their undies and Sam puts on a Swedish accent and honestly how has Sam become the best person on television?! The bro date is most likely a ploy for producers to have Apollo shirtless again and I’m not mad about it.


Sorry, I’m lactose intolerant. 


In a final twist of der-rama, Elora discovers a letter on her pillow that is allegedly from American Jared. It’s all very SVU: Special Victims Unit with close-ups of the letter being unfolded and the unmistakable red flag of it being signed off as “American Jared.” So many twists and turns in this show, amiright?!




Elora is quite taken with the gesture and decides that maybe she has real feelings for American Jared, a man she has barely spoken two words to, but we all know that, as Kesha once sang, “It’s going down. I’m yelling timber!”

Ali being Ali praises American Jared for being so sweet with his letter writing business and he is as suitably confused as a drunk foreigner on a dating show can be.

Now erryone is confused AF because it wasn’t American Jared and apparently we have found the key to a time machine and gone back to 1998 when prank letters were a thing in Science class.

Obviously the next logical culprit is Simone because, let’s face it, she’s been extremely sweaty and angry these past few days so that makes sense.

No wait, it’s not Simone either.

It was Eden and now I am so mad and disappointed I can’t feel my face anymore.

It appears that Eden is blue-balling so hard, his excess testosterone has bubbled up and into his brain and he’s lost his damn mind. That, or he just wanted to f*** shit up before his inevitable exit tonight. Whichever mate, but not cool.

YOU’VE MADE ME LOOK THE FOOL, YO! HOW COULD YOU?! I’m going to have to go speak to a box of Shapes about this.



I’ve fallen into a pit of despair at my apparently terrible judgement of men and kinda miss the whole thing.

Oh, except for the part where Elora gives her funking rose to Eden because she still thinks he deserves to find love gurl what you planning either you’re the most forgiving person in the damn South Pacific, or you got some revenge idea so bad and I’m almost hoping it’s the second one.

Everyone is f***ing shook, including Eden, who looks pretty damn afraid as he should.


Eden, you in danger, boi.


Poor Canadian Thomas is off the island before he even had a chance to break out the Banana Boat 30+.


My nose is dripping like a tap and I need to take a nap. That’s a wrap.

(That was also a rap.)

(Sorry I’m delirious.)

Bachelor In Paradise Ep 4: A Snake Among the…Other Snakes

4 Apr

Hoooy boy. Did anyone else find that episode a little bit triggering? Honestly, I had to go to my room and find my rose quartz crystals to try and protect me from all the dirty, thirsty ju-ju.


Jarrod still has the single date card and a very awkward looking fedora and he is not afraid to use either of them.


Who let this happen??


Some of da boyz are hanging with him on a bench and pretending that they don’t have a script to follow to try and get him to say something really silly or desperate, which is kind of silly in itself because that is Jarrod’s lifes work.

He admits he has some serious chemistry with Keira but, you know, “just because I’ve got a connection with this one woman doesn’t mean I can’t find connections with a tonne of other women**,” and honestly I think Jarrod just spoke for every single f***ing man on dating sites in 2018 and my ovaries literally rolled over and were like NO! SHUTTING THIS DOWN FOREVER MEN ARE TRASH!

Sorry. It’s a full moon.

Anyway, this connection crap is just talk for – Ali is suuuuper hot and I am despo to bone her because I could never land a girl that good looking at high school so now I need to make up for it, despite the fact that I already have a real connection/relationship with this other girl.


He takes Ali by the hand and they walk towards what I assume is just the back part of the resort. Waiting for them there are a group of locals all done up in their native garb and probably wishing they were doing anything but facilitating this cringe-worthy date. The poor suckers have to teach Jarrod and Ali how to dance and it’s both awkward, hilarious yet not interesting at the same time. Thankfully, Channel 10 only had a budget for a 5 minute class, so soon enough, the two are heading back to their native territory of a random sex couch/rug with wine and cheese.


Jarrod: I think we might be married now haha jks!


Once they’re sitting down, Jarrod launches into a strange, desperate monologue about how amazing this moment is and how much of a connection he is feeling with poor Ali and honestly Jarrod, YOU SAID YOU’D CHANGED YOU EVEN HAD STUBBLE YOU NEED TO PUT A LID ON IT YOU’RE DOING IT AGAIN REMEMBER SOPHIE YOU HAD ONE JOB?!

Good God the close-ups of his red, sweaty face were almost too much to bear and someone give Ali a funking Logie or some shit for managing to get through that date without laughing/running away in terror.

Back at the Sex Compound, Flo is still mad at Jake for being a f***boi and Nina helpfully approaches her to debrief on the previous nights’ shenanigans i.e. the producers told her to go over to Flo and ask about Megan because, turns out, Jake is telling both Flo and Megan that the other one is just a friend and he definitely didn’t kiss the other one or tell her she was gorgeous or that he was giving her his rose or anything. But we all know he definitely did all of those things. Ahhhh the beauty of television!


Babe, you picked the wrong f***boi I’m sorry.


Because Flo is who she is, she confronts Jake about his f***boi ways but in a heated, yet hidden exchange in his tiki hut. We are treated to voice over of the whole debacle, set against a v v dramatic back drop of waves crashing on the beach and flocks of birds hurriedly fleeing into the sky. #cinematography

Okay, look, I’m going to show my bias here but yes, Flo does indeed get angry enough to launch her glass of champagne right at Jake’s stupid head. Unfortunately for us, this is also not shown on camera, but considering we see Jake not 10 seconds later, blood-less and bruise-less, casually telling da boyz that he’s just had something piffed at him while tossing around a football (because manly) I’m going to guess it was more of a liquid affair aka when Samantha Jones threw her martini at Richard or, Flo just has really terrible aim.

Okay okay, she shouldn’t have done it, violence of any sort is never okay but srzly…


Everything about this episode was cringe-worthy and it really came to a head during the cocktail party when three grown ass men visibly frothed over Ali.

Jarrod is strutting around like he’s just won some sort of prize at the fair because obviously women are trophies to be won. Mack and Michael, also keen to get themselves into Ali’s lady parts good books, are both confused and mad over how someone like Jarrod could seemingly have trumped them. All three are literally champing at the bit to give her their rose and I’m super worried that this is just a metaphor for what they actually want to give her.

(Props to Eden here for topical use of the term “cock fight”. Why aren’t you dating me, Eden?)


Ali at the upcoming Rose Ceremony (thnx for that one, twitter). 


Mack suddenly decides to swoop on in before Ali has barely had time to sip her bloody mimosa and all of a sudden I remember that he is actually a bit of a predictable creep who just really likes skinny blonde women he barely knows because that’s what the world has told him to like. At first his conversation with Leah earlier in the episode made me feel genuinely sorry for him because she was literally saying he was her second choice/go-to if she gets desperate. But, honest to God, Ali simply tells him she’d like to get to know him a little better and HE REACTS AS IF SHE HAS JUST TOLD HIM HE IS THE LOVE OF HER LIFE AND NO MAN COULD EVER EVER COMPARE TO HIM. For realz. It’s basically just jizzing your pants but through your face. Wow, that sounded gross. Sorry.

Honestly Mack, you’re 35. Get a clue. Girls can be nice to you and not want to marry you it’s happened before.

Michael ALSO finds a moment to convince everyone he’s moved on from Tara and very in love with Ali and he too steals her away to a sun bed somewhere to tell her so. At this stage I assume she’s so exhausted from all the testosterone flying everywhere she may not have even known what day it was.

Jarrod is pretty convinced he and Ali are destined to be together so he goes and tells Keira this so that she doesn’t get confused over why he doesn’t give her his rose because of course he bloody does.

Keira dissolves into a mess of tears and suddenly every single woman in Australia who has ever been dumped for the cooler/prettier/more popular girl (i.e. everyone) has a lot of feelings and the urge to kick someone. Probably Jarrod.


No white man in a fedora deserves your tears, babe!


Jake is still working his f***boi magic on both Flo and Megan and complaining to da boyz about how hard his life is rn, all the while wearing an incredibly loud tiki-themed shirt that I’m not about.

Blake chimes in with a comment about how Flo is too dramatic which is a little rich in my books, coming from the man who literally put another man in hospital but idk!

The Tara and Sam thing seems to be happening and I’m still not 100% on board but at least they look happy and drunk so…I’ll allow it for now.

SIDE NOTE: Sassy, amazing Wais is back (not “Wise” as previously named – blame Osher, he started it) and is honestly the true MVP of this show can I plz give him my rose or at least a column in New Idea.





Okay guys, shit gets hectic, so hang on tight for a sec while I try and break this DER-RAMA filled tribal council down.

Mack gives his rose to Ali which shocks both Jarrod, Michael AND Ali.

Eden gives his rose to Nina and plz get married or I will hunt Eden down and marry him myself.

Luke gives his rose to Lisa and I’m thinking their couple name should be Logical Lusa.

Jarrod gives his rose to Keira who 100% knows she’s his second choice but takes it anyway and sasses him hard which he totally deserves.

Blake gives his rose to Laurina but calls her Lenora until someone audibly corrects him because..well..he’s a dumbass and will most likely be dead the next time we see him.

Sam gives his rose to Tara and I’m still watching you, Sam, don’t f*** this up.

Jake then visibly AND audibly begs Michael to please pick Flo because he “can’t” and Michael looks as though he is going to headbutt Jake (which is lucky seeing as he was on the Australian Soccer team right? Oh wait…)

Flo can see AND hear Jake doing this and for a minute there I really did hope Michael would pick her just so she wouldn’t have to be so embarrassed, but props to you, Michael, you lived your own life and let everyone see Jake for the snake that he truly is.

Michael gives his rose to Leah who looks both relieved and smug at the same time.

Jake pretends to feel bad but then gives his rose to Megan and gains the title of Most Hated Dude in Australia.


It’s all over for Queen Florence. What a lofty lofty height she has fallen from. You could just about hear her yelling, “Davey! I’m sorry Davey!” as she was driven out of the Sex Compound.


You ded, boy.


I need to burn some incense and down a stiff drink after that.




**Okay..he didn’t say that EXACTLY, but it was damn close enough I swear on my life.

Bachelor In Paradise Ep 1: Tropical Hormone Soup

26 Mar

Look, the fact that I felt compelled enough to persevere with writing this on my crappy laptop into the night and not on the fancy work computer should say enough.


Forget the Married at First Sight losers, I am all about the Bachie losers who are so ready to get themselves a radio gig and a free membership at Fitness First. (That’s a joke I used on twitter and NBD, Osher liked it I have proof.)


We are definitely all very interesting and definitely not here for a job on Nova FM.


BIP is a dream of a reality show where all the losers from past Bachelor seasons go to a tropical island to get naked and f***eyed and spend another couple months doing a whole lot of nothing to boost their Instagram profiles. In other words – my dream job.

Osher greets us in some v privileged-white-person part of Fiji,  wearing an adorable hawaiian shirt because #tropical, while Barry Manilow’s back catalogue plays in the background.


Welcome back, Tropical Osher.


The first to greet him is crowd favourite and all-round Gold Coast gal, Tara, last seen being elected Duchess of the Friend Zone on Matty J’s season. She is still adorable and still, “so excoited.” Bless her. She hot foots it to the bar where she meets Wise who is far too good and pure for this world please give him a spin off show. Stay tuned for some bangers from Wise.


I have a PhD in economics. 


Meanwhile, Tara better walk out of this with some semi-decent man candy or I’mma be pissed.

Next is Michael Turnbull who has apparently run out of terrible entrepreneurial ideas since he was given the arse by Sam Frost. He’s decided to return to reality tv and hope no one remembers that he pretended to be on the Australian soccer team.  (Except I remember, Michael. I remember.)

The next two people to arrive are basically the equivalent of each other and, therefore, will most likely hook up but it won’t be that interesting because they are far too normal for this shit – Luke and Lisa. Luke was the tall glass of water Sophie Monk was meant to pick, and Lisa’s other name is Dodged a Bullet after Blake Garvey didn’t pick her and then do a sad break up photo shoot with her in New Idea.


Oh hang on, it’s the producer’s subtle intro music for Leah; the villain from Matty J’s season who everyone hates because she had the gall to try and kiss him IN FRONT OF HIS OTHER GIRLFRIENDS! And she was also mean or something but I honestly don’t remember.

She’s followed by Davey who was on Sam Frost’s season of Bachelorette and whose biggest accomplishments since leaving the show include moving out of his parents house and adding to his collection of fluro singlets from Ozmosis.  He’s been flirting with Florence over Insta lately which is a real thing now so I guess he’s hoping she’ll be here.


Florence strolls on in like she owns the joint in a matching bikini top and skirt and honest to God I am 100% here for her.


Queen Florence, 2018. 


She also mentions the flirting she’s been doing with Davey on the internets and this concerns me because Davey is basically every f***boi from the Gold Coast and Flo is a majestic Dutch unicorn.

Everyone else arrives but as Osher explained, more and more people will continue to show up over the coming days so basically this is just a revolving door of naked people who all look similar, so they better get themselves some D or V or at least come up with some sort of half-baked drama or they be saying bye bye to paradise.

The other people who arrive include Brett who no one recognises but apparently sported blonde tips in his season with Sophie Monk. Thankfully, it seems that dying over them has been his main focus since. They have to make up some sort of drama about Brett maybe having a girlfriend back home otherwise there is literally no other reason for him to be here apart from being filler in board shorts.


New phone, who dis?


Also from Sophie’s reject pile is Eden who I feel like no one ever gave enough credit to because he has a super cool kiwi accent and mad break dancing skillz and introduces himself as a shark surgeon. So far, he is the only dude with a personality.

This includes Jake, who calls himself second runner-up in Georgia Love’s season. You may remember him as the dark haired Lothario who wore a hideous pinky ring and has since been very busy auctioning himself off for charity.

Finally, Nina from Sam Wood’s season turns up and I vaguely remember her as being very unhappy about intruders and starting some kind of war against them but I also could be over exaggerating which doesn’t sound like me at all.

Anyway, time for some DER-RAMA!

Osher explains that each week, the power of the rose ceremony will switch between the men and the women and of course the first group to have the power will be the women because #feminism. Also they haven’t even bothered introducing some sort of fancy, special white/orange/magic rose or just plain sex rose because all everyone here plans to do is bone in their tiki huts 24/7. There is literally no time for any of that white rose nonsense.

Anyway, the der-rama goes as follows: Flo and Davey have been Insta flirting as Flo is yet to realise Davey doesn’t know that Dutch isn’t a country. However, Flo ALSO met Jake at that celebrity Family Feud taping and, according to Flo, they, “talked on Instagram, got smashed and hooked up.” I wish I could say, same here, babe, but I don’t like to leave the house I have no idea how that works.


Literally how I imagine Davey talking to Flo.


Jake and Davey are both despo to impress her but Davey has also caught the eye of Leah who pretends not to care but then giggles like a drunk maniac every time they talk. Behind Leah’s back, Davey begs Flo to give him a rose, but then when he gets to choose someone to go on a date with, he completely 180’s and picks Leah.

This is dating in 2018, guys. This is why I don’t like to do things.

Leah and Davey go on this super not-awkward date to 100 metres away from everyone else, and it is precisely at the moment they kiss that I realise this entire show is just being the sober person at a club watching all the drunk people desperately make out. I.e. not fun but also a little bit fun.


This is our life now, guys. 


Flo is pissed at Davey for being such a f***boi obviously but she’s also mad at Jake because Tara told her he is the biggest f***boi on the Gold Coast ever which is saying something really because I used to live on the Gold Coast and honestly the thirst levels there are pretty spectacular.

Cue the beginning of what is sure to be an epic smack down between Jake and Davey over who is the biggest F***boi on Bachie Island. Honest to God, the hormones flying around on this island must make it very difficult to concentrate. It’s Tropical Hormone Soup.

Now, I never do this, but I gotta give the producers some credit here. It seems they aren’t even trying to hide behind a facade of romance and good sportsmanship, because their next move is to allow Jake to pick the next date. Yeah, the producers aren’t here for romance. They’re here to f*** shit up.

The first thing Jake does is call on his boyz to discuss what he should do which is basically just the height of romance and maturity. Even though we know he’s going to pick Flo because he’s despo to bone her again and win this sex triangle and convince her he’s not the biggest sleaze in QLD and he is definitely not going to honour the bro code and not pick her because Davey likes her. Are you following all of this so far? It’s very complicated.


Oi, lets go to Goldfingers.


Despite Davey telling Jake not to take Flo because she’s his, Jake obviously picks Flo anyway because boyz discussions are just for show and women are property to fight over.

Oh and he asks her out with a straw in his mouth.

Florence, you deserve so much better than this.

Tune in tonight to find out who will win the next round of Biggest F***boi on Bachie Island.



*Edit* I wasn’t sure whether to actually include this at all, but I thought it worth mentioning that, yes, I acknowledge that Blake has also shown up this season but I am refusing to write about him because he is a terrible person who beats people up and I hate him.